Fight to Protect your Record and Freedom to Drive!
Many people are not aware that most serious Virginia traffic violations are criminal offenses. A simple traffic stop can suddenly become a serious criminal matter. The penalties for many traffic offenses are quite severe, including potential jail time, license suspension, and substantial fines.
If you drive to work every day and can’t afford to risk a license suspension that jeopardizes your livelihood, you want to pursue every reasonable opportunity to beat the charges. And a criminal conviction on your record will show up on any background check, putting at risk future opportunities.
A lawyer like myself with the right experience and know-how can often find ways to win these cases, or reduce the penalties down to something you can live with. I have successfully defended hundreds of traffic violations, including:
- Reckless Driving
- Driving While License Suspended or Revoked
- Driving Without Insurance
- Driving While Habitual Offender
- Driving While Under the Influence (DUI / Drunk Driving / DWI)
- Hit and Run
- Failure to Obey Traffic Signal
- Eluding a Police Officer (Felony Eluding Police)
- Aggressive Driving
- Improper Driving
- Speeding
- and more..
Why Fight a Traffic Ticket or Citation?
Any two serious traffic violations (or 18 or more demerit points) within three years will result in a 60 day suspension of your driver’s license by the Virginia DMV.
Any three serious traffic violations (or 24 or more demerit points) within three years will result in a 120 day suspension of your driver’s license.
Anyone who needs to drive to make a living cannot afford a suspended license, even for 2 months. And if you have a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL), the consequences are even more serious.
The best thing to do is often to fight the charges before they become a risk to your livelihood.
There are many strategies we can pursue to beat the charges against you. I’ll look for any opportunity to contest the legality of the police stopping you in the first place.
What are the Most Common Reasons to Be Pulled Over by the Police?
- Failure to Stop / Failure to Yield – Not coming to a complete stop at a stop sign, or at a roadway entrance when the other lane has the right of way. See § 46.2-821
- Improper Use Of Turn Signal – You are required to signal when making a turn. You could be stopped for failing to do so, or if your turn signal is broken. See § 46.2-1038
- Speeding / Exceeding Posted Speed Limits – The most common reason people are stopped by police on Virginia roads. See § 46.2-870
- Failing to Stop at a Traffic Signal / Running the Light – Whether you didn’t notice a light, or tried to beat out a light as it turns from yellow to red, this action is likely to get you stopped and cited for a traffic violation. § 46.2-833
All these and many more are legitimate legal reasons for the police to pull you over.
And remember, if you are stopped by the police, you could open yourself up to more serious charges, including:
- DUI if the police suspect your are impaired or intoxicated by alcohol or drugs.
- Suspended License if they run your license (which they will) and find you to be under suspension, you will be arrested.
- Drug Possession if the police spot marijuana or a joint in the car.
As long as the reason for the stop is legitimate, any other illegal behavior observed by the police officer can get you charged and arrested for a crime.
Call me now to schedule your no-obligation, no-risk, free consultation at (888) 205-9314. I’ll happily give you some specific advice on what you are facing, and what I can do to help.
The Attorneys of
Find out how easy it can to be to put my experience and knowledge to work for you by calling me for a free criminal defense case evaluation & traffic charge legal consultation. (888) 205-9314